Tuesday, March 1, 2011

10 Days To Due Date

Only 10 days to go until the official due date of our first baby girl. My two boys are psyched, but I can't seem to wrap my head around that fact that is could happen any day now. I know I should be sleeping but I can't stop sewing. There is something therapeutic about sewing that makes me stay up way too long.

I move slower and slower by the day and each morning is a challenge to find a maternity shirt that fully covers my stomach. This wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't work full time in a professional atmosphere. My youngest son thinks it is a hoot and has started putting his head up my shirt against my belly. If you think walking around with a watermelon in your stomach is a feeling, try having a watermelon and the head of a laughing two year old banging against the watermelon. Nothing humbles you quite like motherhood. 


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